Funny Things to Say When You Are Prank Calling

If you like to pull a prank from time to time then read our list of 20 funny things to say while prank calling.

Having a sense of humor is always important regardless of your age. We all enjoy sharing a joke with friends and prank calling is a fun way to make your day more interesting. If you are a fan of The Simpsons then you probably remember some of Bart Simpson's classic prank calls which he was so good at and made us all laugh hard.  Prank calls are a harmless way to laugh and make someone laugh and they have been here for a long time. Do you remember your first prank call? Probably all of us have made a prank call at least once in our lives. Although its seems like the idea of pranks calls is not popular nowadays, a great number of teenagers and adults still consider it funny and continue to pull pranks on each other. You can learn more about it by reading our list of 20 Funny Prank Call Ideas for Teenagers.

 20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling


If we have never made a prank call in our entire lives then we have probably been victims of one. While mostly prank calls are about having some innocent fun, being amusing to the caller, sometimes they might not be very funny to the person on the other side of the line. When prank calling, it is important to have a few boundaries. Some people are more sensitive than others and might not have the same sense of humor so if we do know that, we should pay attention and be careful not to cross the line. There is a huge difference between wanting to have some fun and actually hurting people.  Sometimes, the old  classical pranks are the best, so if we try too hard we might make it complicated for no reason and probably without the result we hoped for.

So, what are the best ways to make a prank call? The key to a successful prank is simplicity, otherwise, the prank will most likely fail and only lead to confusion. So in the end, it's not funny to anyone. The simpler it is, the bigger the chances that a prank will be a success. Also, you need to be relaxed and prepared. Take a look at this video on YouTube to see how a successful prank call can be pulled.  Now, you decided to make a prank call and now what? What do you do when the person picks up the phone? What do you say? Don't worry because we sought for suggestions on Reddit as well as on YouTube to find the best ideas for you. We have compiled a list of 20 funny things to say while prank calling.

20. Don't Say Anything

Call someone and try not to say anything for as long as possible. The person you called will probably ask who you are many times, get annoyed and hang up in the end, but you will sure have some fun listening to their angry remarks.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling


19. Call A Pizza Place And Ask When is it Coming

This prank number 19 in our list of funny things to say while prank calling is hilarious. Call a pizza place and say that you ordered a pizza an hour ago but it isn't delivered yet. Ask when is your pizza coming and prepare to have fun when they get all confused.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling

withGod /

18. Call a Restaurant

Call a Chinese restaurant and ask for some American food. When they say that they don't serve it, try again and insist on ordering the food that they don't have. Listening to the confused employee trying to explain things to you is surely funny.

17. You Won a Prize!

Call a random number and say „Congratulations, you just won a prize!" The person on the other side will probably be shocked and start asking questions about the prize.  You can say whatever comes to your mind next. Try to sound professional and continue the call for as long as you like.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling

Dean Drobot/

16. Use a Weird Voice

Call someone you know but use a weird voice and ask them questions about their life. You can ask random things about people they know or something else that might surprise them.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling

Dean Drobot/

15. Ask About The Price

Call a pizza restaurant and ask about the price of their sneakers or something else that you know they aren't selling. They will definitely be surprised and annoyed so your prank will work.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling

Uber Images/

14. Complain About The Delay

This prank call can be changed based on your imagination and it can be applied to almost anything. Call a random person and ask about something that you ordered a while ago but you haven't received it yet, for example, call a pizza restaurant and say that your pizza hasn't been delivered. Then start arguing about it and listen to the person's confused replies.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling

withGod /

13. Say That You Are Pregnant

Call someone you know or a random person and say that you are pregnant. There probably isn't anyone who wouldn't be terrified by this sentence so your prank will be a success. It is even funnier if you call someone you know.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling


12. Say You Didn't Call

Call someone and act as you didn't call at all. Try to have a conversation with a friend or someone near you and let the victim wonder what is happening. Works every time!

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling

Kaspars Grinvalds/

11. Offer a Product

We are continuing our list of funny things to say while prank calling – try calling a random person and try to sell them a product that you made up. Make it sound really weird and unusual so that the person will be confused. Try to sound really serious about it.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling


10. Ask For a Reservation

If you go ahead and call a McDonalds and ask for a reservation, you will probably make them roll their eyes wondering who the hell are you. This is one of the well-known prank calls and a funny thing to say.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling

Ken Wolter /

9. Ask For a Number

Still not enough ideas? Continue reading our list of 20 funny things to say while prank calling. Call one of the most popular pizza restaurants in your city and ask about their specials. It's best if you ask about several types of pizza and then finally ask if they have the phone number of another popular pizza place. They will probably be very angry and annoyed.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling

Noam Wind/

8. Say a Funny Name

This one on our list of funny things to say while prank calling is also well-known as we have all probably heard it in The Simpsons when Bart is prank calling someone. Think of a funny name possibly one that contains a hidden joke when pronounced. Call someone and introduce yourself. Attempt to be very serious when you introduce yourself. The person will probably ask you to repeat the name twice so try not to laugh while doing this.

7. Speak to a Customer

When calling  a business that you know you can say things like, "To speak to a customer, press 1." Everyone would be confused if they heard something like this and maybe they will press 1! Try it and see. You can repeat the process more than once if they listen to you and actually press 1.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling


6. Speak Jibberish

Call someone you know or a random person and start talking jibberish. Try to sound mad and talk really fast so the person can't interrupt you. They will probably think that you have the wrong number.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling


5. Order a Taco

Again a McDonald's joke but it is really funny so we had to add it to our list of funny things to say while prank calling. Call a McDonalds and try to order a taco. When they say that they don't sell that sort of food, you can repeat your order simply to have fun listening to their annoyed reactions.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling

saknakorn /

4. Say You Are Doing A Survey

This one can be very amusing if you are creative. Call someone and say that you are doing a survey and you need to ask them a few questions for the purposes of your research.  You can ask a bunch of silly questions, the funnier the better. Let your imagination fo wild.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling


3. Say Their Order Will Arrive Soon

Think of something that people are not comfortable talking about. Then call someone and say that their order will be arriving soon. When they say that they didn't order that, you can continue to pretend that you are from the company that sent the product and say that they will deliver the product to heir house very soon. It's fun! And now, let's see the top two entries in our list of funny things to say while prank calling,

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling

Luis Molinero/

2. Say That You Have Their Money

Call someone randomly or a person you know and say that you have the money they asked for and ask where should you bring the money. Their reaction will probably be pretty amusing.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling


1. Say You Are Outside

If you haven't decided which idea from our list of 20 funny things to say while prank calling to use, then maybe you will like this one. Call a guy and say that you had so much fun with him last night. Ask him when can you see him again. When they say that they will hang up, you can tell them that you are in front of their house at the moment. It will scare him and make you laugh pretty hard.

20 Funny Things To Say While Prank Calling

Dean Drobot/


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